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Powerlifting is a sport that started in 1950 in America, through the development of odd lifts. It first appeared in the 1970s in Greece by George Tromaras and since 2014 it has been developing.


It is a strength sport which consists of three lifts, squat - bench press - deadlift, in which the athlete has three attempts to make maximum kilos. Also, based on the International Powerlifting League, it is divided into categories according to age [Teenage (up to 19), Junior (20-23), Open (24-39), Master (40+)] and body weight (Men: 52 , 56, 60, 67.5 , 75, 82.5, 90, 100, 110, 125, 140, 140+ - Women: 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 67.5, 75, 82.5, 90, 100, 100+). In each match there are three judges who evaluate the correctness of the movement, spotters who intervene whenever this is necessary and a secretariat which coordinates the match.

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